Many of the manhood therapy oils sold today are variations of medicinal leeches called Hirudo Medicinalis. Historically and scientifically, leech therapy has been used as an anti-coagulant to prevent blood from clotting, and to effectively promote bloodflow to the vascular systems.
It has been found that these blood-sucking worms are anti-inflammatory, anaesthetic, anti-phlogistic and anti-infectious. Ironically, when one gets bitten by any thing, one would immediately attend to the open wound and apply direct pressure to promote blood clotting. But in the case of these medicinal leeches, blood flow can continue for hours. And rightfully so, especially because oxygenated blood enters the wound site until veins re-grow and regain proper circulation. That is why some doctors have used leeches during surgeries. Success stories abound, and some include the reattachments of various body parts (including fingers, toes, ear and even scalp), breast reconstruction, and vein regrowth. In summary, this organism is responsible for bloodletting, that is to remove 'bad' blood.
There are some interesting medical sites detailing the benefits of the Hirudo Medicinalis that are of worthy mention:
In the traditional Malay communities, the manipulative use of leeches (called 'tapa' in Malay) is as common as using a Band Aid in the western world. The only difference is that the latter promotes blood clotting, while the former prevents it.
For myself, this has indeed been a fascinating journey as I ventured to know what I was doing as a spa therapist. The information is extensive on the internet, but as a therapist specialising in massage and manhood treatment, my job then was to be knowledgeable not just by facts, but by practical experience in helping men cope with some of their very pressing issues. Even for a healthy male, general maintenance of the male sexual organ is very basic and necessary. In the previous blog entry, one client who is very healthy recounted the tremendous gain in his sexual energy after only ONE 45-minute manhood treatment.
In the next blog, allow me to make a comparison of the leech oils available, and let me show you HOW to use the oils for effective personal gains.
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